Table of Contents
About Plateau
For more than 70 years, rural citizens living in West Texas and eastern New Mexico have benefited from communications services provided by Plateau. Driven by the need for dependable, quality telephone service, interested area farmers, ranchers and other citizens came together to create Eastern New Mexico Rural Telephone Cooperative (now referred to as Plateau).Regulatory agencies quickly recognized this unmet need and the importance of affordable phone service in rural America; as a result, these groups became very supportive of this small company's initiatives. In more recent times, residents have enjoyed the benefits of other modern telecommunications technologies including mobile phones, long distance service, business solutions, high-speed fiber-optic internet and television – all provided by Plateau.
The earliest periods of service came from an arrangement between Clovis-based Farmer's Electric Cooperative and what was then known as ENMR and made possible by sharing the same facilities. As services were upgraded, there became a significant need for more physical space, greater independence and improved business strategies. These changes also necessitated the hiring of the first full-time general manager; and, operations were moved to the current location on the northern outskirts of the city of Clovis. Financial conditions and other obstacles presented challenges in the beginning. Eventually, a growing number of subscribers provided the necessary financial stability to improve borrowing power, while allowing for greater investments, the purchase of newer technologies and the ability to offer members capital credits for their participation.
When the federal court rulings in the mid-1980s dismantled the nationally known telephone network providers, smaller companies like ENMR benefited. Choices by customers created competitive markets for added services. Knowing that larger, nationally recognized companies would be less likely to enter underserved rural areas created a business opportunity for ENMR to begin its subsidiary operation (Plateau Telecommunications).
Increasing demands of a faster-paced society and the advent of rapid and even more reliable telecommunications systems caused the Board of Directors to accept the recommendations of management to invest in fiber-optic cabling, modern networking equipment and establish strategically located retail stores. The company-owned and shared fiber-optic cable network now exceeds 5,200 miles. Due to these investments, many business development opportunities have been and continue to be created; enhancing the economic stability of the region. Plateau's achievements are laden with success stories and the future is bright for the company.
In 2012, the Company was consolidated under one brand name: Plateau
Mission Statement
We will provide dependable area-wide communication and information services at the lowest price, consistent with sound economy and good management.
Board of Directors
As elected representatives from the thirteen districts that are served by Plateau, the Board of Directors individually and collectively have certain duties
- Enter into agreement and employ the company's Chief Executive Officer
- Elect and appoint Board officers and committee assignments
- Conduct regularly scheduled meetings during the fiscal year to meet and act in good faith to care for the company’s finances
- Assist in clarifying the mission, values, and vision statements
- Set policy
- Recommend to the membership bylaw changes for approval at the Annual Meeting

Frank Garnett President
Nara Visa Position 7Districts: 6, 7, & 8

Jerry Sours Vice President
Grady Position 3Districts: 3 & 13

Powhatan Carter III Secretary/Treasurer
Fort Sumner Position 4Districts: 4 & 5

Milo Aragon
Villanueva Position 10Districts: 9, 10, & 11

Shirley Carter
Clayton Position 8Districts: 6, 7, & 8

James Cordova
Santa Rosa Position 11Districts: 9, 10, & 11

Mabel Flores
Santa Rosa Position 9Districts: 9, 10, & 11

Leland Harral
Encino Position 12District: 12

Jim Lyssy
Fort Sumner Position 5Districts: 4 & 5

Karen Screws
Ranchvale Position 2Districts: 1 & 2

Jarod Wilhite
Pleasant Hill Position 1Districts: 1 & 2

In Memoriam Michael Montoya
Roy Position 6Districts: 6, 7, & 8

In Memoriam Larry Wallin
Logan Position 13Districts: 3 & 13